Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels convert energy stored within sunlight into electricity. And contary to popular belief, you don't need direct sunlight - PV will generate electricity on a grey winter day; just less effectively than in the summer.
PV is neat, unobtrusive, and has recently become a 'permitted development' - this means that, within limits, you don't have to apply for planning permission to put them up (see link below). PV panels can be fitted on flat or sloped roofs, and can also be ground mounted, and PV roof tiles can prove cost effective if re-roofing is required. Furthermore, many energy supply companies can offer a buy back scheme where they pay you for any excess electricity generated.
There are a number of requirements for the siting of PV panels (see below), so your property may not be suitable. Some instances exist where planning permission is still required (see 'permitted development link). PV has a very large up-front expense.
The roof must be orientated within 40 degrees of south to be viable, with a pitch ideally less than 30-40 degrees. At least 10 square meters of roof space is likely to be needed, which must not be shaded.
A system providing power of 2 kWp will produce nearly half the annual electricity demand for an average house. A rule of thumb budget for PV is about £5,000 per kWp installed, which includes installation and comissioning.
Grants for PV are available through the Low Carbon Building Programme (see link below).
A well fitted PV system should halve your electricity bills, and can reduce your footprint by over 300 kg CO2 per year displaced per 1 kWp installed.
Local Suppliers:
- Solar Utilities Ltd, www.solarutilities.co.uk, 01709 371144
- Sasie Ltd, www.sasie.co.uk, 0115 916 1046
- Sundog Energy Ltd, www.sundog-energy.co.uk, 01768 482282
Energy Saving Trust - http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/housingbuildings/funding/solarpv/
Permitted deveopments - http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2008/uksi_20080675_en_1
Low Carbon Buildings Programme - http://www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk/home/
We are a company in Glasgow fitting PV panels. You can actually have the panels fitted for free. Check out our website.
PV panels can be fitted on flat or sloped roofs, and can also be ground mounted, and PV roof tiles can prove cost effective if re-roofing is required. Furthermore, many energy supply companies can offer a buy back scheme where they pay you for any excess electricity generated.
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