Carbon Reduction Action Group

Between 40 & 50% of CO2 emissions are from domestic energy use and personal travel including air flights. Sources over which individuals have a large degree of control.

CO2 levels in the atmosphere are currently at around 380ppm. When other man-made greenhouse gases are included the level is equivalent to 420ppm CO2. The threshold for runaway climate change is 450ppm. We are currently adding about 1.5ppm per year.

Sheffield Carbon Reduction Action Group (CRAG) is one of a network of groups in the UK and abroad. Members measure their CO2 emissions on an ongoing basis and work together to reduce them towards sustainable levels. This often leads to improved quality of life as well as saving money. Members from Glasgow, Leeds and Peckham CRAGs recently won an OXFAM competition for the lowest footprints in the UK.

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Anonymous said...

Great site!

How about links to: South Yorkshire Energy Centre

Also keep an eye out for: (though it's not ready yet...)

The tags/labels are really important for finding things quickly - could be useful to review them?


Anonymous said...

Since joining the Sheffield CRAG I've been keeping an eye on the emissions from my car, gas and electricity use.

I've changed utility supplier to a more 'green' option and used the car less.

My supplier (Scottish and Southern)sent me an electricity monitor so I could see how my consumption varied during the day/week/month. Very useful...I'm becoming more frugal in my use of electricity!